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A Convenient and Easy Way to Freshen Up Your Baby

Baby Wipes - A Convenient and Easy Way to Freshen Up Your Baby If you're looking to freshen up your baby, baby wipes are a convenient and easy way to do it. These disposable products are designed to clean up after diaper changes and can also be used to clean up messes on high chair trays. Baby wipes can be bought in bulk or in refill packs. They are available in a variety of flavors and scents, so you can choose one that suits your taste. Baby wipes are typically made from water and surfactants (cleansers) that are gentle to the skin. This allows them to get rid of most stains. Some brands use a buffer system to maintain the pH of the wipes, which is good for your baby's sensitive skin. The first baby wipes were developed in the 1970s. Later, disposable non-woven towelettes were developed.
In the late 1990s, more products appeared on the market. Private label wipes were introduced, which enticed consumers to buy them at lower prices. But, they were not very durable and could tear if the poop got dried up. Today, you can find dozens of brands and varieties, which are made from natural or synthetic ingredients. You'll need to be sure to check the ingredients to ensure that the wipes you purchase are free of allergens. Also, look for a wipe that has been spot-tested for any additives that could hurt your child's health. When you're shopping for baby wipes, be sure to avoid those that contain foaming agents. Foaming agents can irritate your baby's skin and can cause allergic reactions. Instead, opt for a wipe that contains moisturizing ingredients and glycerin.
Alternatively, you may also prefer a product that is fragrance free. A baby's bum is extremely sensitive. For this reason, you should consider storing your wipes in a cool, dry place. Likewise, you should never put them in your child's mouth. It's also a good idea to store them in a cooler. If you want a more eco-friendly option, you might want to try a brand that uses chlorine-free processing. Huggies Natural Care Refreshing is one brand that is popular. It features a cute bear embossed pattern on the package, and its texture is ultra-soft. In the first few months of your baby's life, he or she will require a lot of wipes. So, it's a good idea to stock up on them. After six months, you'll only need to use about two to three packs per week. There are also several different styles to choose from. You can find natural and extra thick versions, as well as those that do not contain any smell or scent. Another alternative is to make your own wipes. Many parents enjoy making their own, but they should be careful about exposing their babies to too many chemicals. If you're not sure where to begin, try out the EWG database. It contains a list of baby wipes that are safe for your child. Besides being free of harmful ingredients, the company that makes the wipes also certifies that they are free of chemicals such as fragrances.